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Honeymoon Take “2” at El Dorado Casitas Royale Riviera Maya Mexico

Mu-Hsien & Eric

Our five year anniversary sort of snuck up on us! And only about 3 weeks before the date it we decided to not only celebrate in style somewhere tropical and luxurious, but we wanted to make it honeymoon round two. To be honest we never really had a proper honeymoon, unless you consider our post wedding trip in Taiwan to meet my entire extended family a honeymoon.

So 3 weeks before the departure with a good idea what we wanted, sexy, secluded and spectacular, but no clue what destination would deliver we realized we needed “professional help.” This is when fate brought Nancy and us together…

On top of matching us with a resort with the type of secluded vibe that we were looking for, she loaded us with upgrades. A casita with it’s own infinity pool in the member’s section by the most secluded beach area. Free upgrades of massages on the beach, dinner on the beach, wi-fi, all 24 hour room service, a personal concierge and all inclusive dining across the 10 restaurants and open bar beach service. After a flurry of 2 days, everything was booked via Nancy and all we needed to do was to show up for a 4 hour flight with car service to get to the Riviera Maya, Mexico. ~ Easy. Breezy.